Your HappiNewsLetter – SEPTEMBER –
SEPTEMBER – Welcome to your HappiNewsLetter!
I am so happy to share with you some reflective topics that inspired me during the last months.
Check out as well what’s cooking for the following weeks.
And suddenly, it was September. It’s a special month of transitions, contrasts and reflections. With its warm and bright days and its fresh nights, September reminds us to look at what is yet to come, while we can appreciate how far we’ve come.
Take good care, you are precious.
Choose to Savor
What Did I Do To Deserve This?
Do you ever feel frustrated or hurt when someone tells you something you disagree with? Do you sometimes get disappointed by the feedback you receive (or the lack of it)? Often people pleasers give a lot with great generosity, and tend to expect the same feedback. Detaching from ego can help free ourselves from the autogenerated self-doubt. People can actually be upset for other reasons than us. How would it be if you would react to the situation without blaming yourself? What would be different then?
Farewell Her Majesty The Queen
On top of the many political topics happening around the world lately, we have been deeply affected by the loss of Her Majesty The Queen on September 8th. It marked the end of a 70-year reign. Her reign spanned 15 prime ministers starting with Winston Churchill, born in 1874, and including Ms Truss, born 101 years later in 1975. It is beautiful to witness human beings sharing compassion and support, even without feeling the same degree of emotion or commemoration.
Photo from
The Cloud with a Silver Lining
Many of us were happy to welcome some rain in September. However, when the rainy days are long it feel like it will never stop. In life, it’s natural that some days seem grayer and sadder than others. It’s also ok to feel a bit more down. It matters most is to be conscious of what is happening in our bodies, energy and mood, as well as in our thoughts. What physical sensations am I feeling right now? What are my recurring thoughts? And overall, we must remember that in every cloud, there is a silver lining.
What’s next?
The Hyper-Achiever
This month, we meet the HYPER-ACHIEVER. This saboteur is quite common, when we’ve been overly challenged by our parents or peers to succeed at school, at work and in life. The Hyper-Achiever makes us measure our self-worth through our achievements. There should be no peace or happiness until the next success, and the next, and the next… so we can lose touch on what really matters.
Challenge of the month: Realize when your happiness depends on your achievements, when your Saboteur says “You’ll be happy when…”. Reflect on the impact of depending on others’ approval. List what topics are causing you the most stress. How can you do them with passion and commitment, but no matter the outcomes? What would be different ?
5 Steps to Boost Confidence
Do you overthink easily?
Are you trying to achieve something important but it’s too stressful? Are you getting frustrated for not doing what you really want to do?
I’m happy to show you 5 simple steps to help you stop overthinking and move into action. It will help you boost your self-confidence and defuse the negative emotions that have been built up. Here you go:
1. Identify your fears
2. Breathe it out
3. Bring compassion
4. Visualize your success
5. Move into easy action
Which of these steps is the most difficult one for you?
If you want to know more, check out my latest INSTAGRAM posts for more detail, or just book a free introduction call with me!