Your HappiNewsLetter – NOVEMBER –
NOVEMBER – Welcome to your HappiNewsLetter!
I am so happy to share with you some reflective topics that inspired me during the last months.
Check out as well what’s cooking for the following weeks.
“Don’t wait until the fourth Thursday in November, to sit with family and friends to give thanks. Make every day a day of Thanksgiving!” – Charmaine J. Forde
Who would do you like to thank today?
I thank you for reading me.
Take good care, you are precious.

Choose to Savor

The Power Of Awe
In November, we often feel down as winter is coming, days are greyer and we stress about the end year celebrations and family reunions. To balance it out, let’s try to focus on the positive. Scientists have studied the power of awe, the “wow” effect. Looking for awesomeness in your daily life has direct positive effects on your mood, on your Happiness. This can also have good health benefits, such as lower inflammations. By training the positive side of your brain, you experience more positive emotions, which improves your performance, creativity, empathy. You even feel more connected to others and to life in general. How will you bring more awe in your life today?

Mental Fitness Workshop
In October and November, I have facilitated my flagship “Mental Fitness for Happiness” workshop at the Department of Bio-Medicine of the University of Basel. It was such an honor to share my insights on Positive Intelligence, and let them discover their Saboteurs and bring on the power of the Sage. Thank you to all the participants and for your great feedback! Simona says it’s “informative and practically helpful to change our way of approaching negative thoughts” and Mirela adds it’s “a very reflective group exercise about struggles that we all have”. Do you and your team feel in constant stress and in a negative vortex? Message me if you want your team to experience that shift too!
Photo by Natacha Jenny

Dios Los Muertos
This special day, called “The Day of the Dead”, is celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, widely in Mexico, in honor of the dead. It is a beautiful and light-hearted opportunity to remember, pay respects and celebrate all the loved ones who passed away. Families build impressive colorful altars with flowers, decorated sculls, foods, memorabilia and photos. Houses, courtyards and trees are decorated with flowers, ribbons and picturesque skeletons. Many people wear incredible makeup and extravagant costumes. This unique tradition is even listed as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. How do you honor your lost loved ones?
What’s next?
The Hyper-Vigilent

This month, we take a look at the HYPER-VIGILENT!
When you have a prominent Hyper-Vigilent Saboteur, you think you can protect yourself and your loved ones. But the Saboteur creates the opposite it promises, so you are always on the look out and running anxious all the time. In the end, you are so exhausted that you lose your clear-headed focus and get less vigilent.
Challenge of the month: Expose the lie of the Saboteur and realize that safety and security can only found within. Through PQ reps you learn to internally feel more safe and secure. How can you apply the Sage Perspective and find how to convert “bad” outcomes into gifts?
My THANKSgiving Gift

In November, Thanksgiving is celebrated, mostly in the USA, as a traditional moment to express gratitude and give meaningful thanks. Beyond the commercial aspects of Black Friday, Cyber Monday and such, there is a sense of recognition of the other and will to give back. In this mindset, I am excited to participate in a BIG way!
♥ Until November 28th, I offer my 6-month program at 400chf OFF! ♥ for new coachees
& loyal coachees referrals (refer someone and you both receive a 400chf voucher)
Don’t miss that unique opportunity! Quickly book a free introduction call with me and mention the code “Gobble Gobble“!
Together let’s unlock your Happiness potential!