Your HappiNewsLetter
DECEMBER – Welcome to your HappiNewsLetter!
I am so happy to share with you some reflective topics that inspired me during the last months.
Check out as well what’s cooking for the following weeks.
As winter arrives and it’s cold outside, let’s allow our hearts to radiate their warmth. We settle in our cozy homes, surrounded with our loved ones, and savor our happy, jolly and well-deserved holidays.
How will you make the most of this special time for 2022 introspection and 2023 reflection?
Take good care, you are precious.

Choose to Savor

How to Actually Enjoy the Holidays?
In December, we get stressed with the preparation for the holidays, Christmas gifts and end of year duties. How to transform it to Happiness?
1. Savor the present: Look out for little things to enjoy, focus on what you cherish most, and pay attention to all your senses
2. Listen to yourself and your needs: Take some time alone to rest, feel the stress and letting it all go with a warm invisible shower. Try out to say No or propose a counter-offer.
3. Set aside that negative voice and search for perfection. You are doing plenty enough, trust yourself. ♥
What is more important in the end that will matter most for you 5 years from now?

Saint Nicholas, Saint Nicolas, Sinterklaas
On the 6th of December, some countries like Belgium, Luxembourg, western Germany, northern France and Hungary are celebrating Saint Nicholas. In the Netherlands, they celebrate Sinterklass on the St. Nicholas’ Eve. Saint Nicholas was the patron saint of children and known for his generosity and miracles. Now that I live in Switzerland, I realize that I miss that funny tradition of Sinterklass and the Zwarte Pete coming to town, throwing pepernoten in the office, and receiving a chocolate letter. In Dutch families, children would receive their gifts at Sinterklass rather than at Christmas.
What do you celebrate in your country?

Introspection, Retrospective & Contemplation
December is the perfect month to check within, see what we’ve accomplished and design what we wish for the new year. To do so, first, find a quiet place and allow yourself to be undisturbed. Then, take deep breaths, count your toes and ask yourself: Looking back at 2022, what do I want to celebrate myself for? And how? What would I do differently if anything? Of what do I want more in 2023? What qualities do I want to develop in 2023? What do I want to leave behind? What’s my secret wish for 2023? Finally, choose one word to take with you and represent your new year.
You’re ready!
If not, don’t worry, book a call with me and I’ll support you.
What’s next?
The Pleaser

How fitting to present the PLEASER for this month!
All Pleasers in the room struggling to find the perfect gift, please stand up! This Saboteur tries to gain acceptance and affection, by overly helping and pleasing others. Although it’s beautiful to be there for others, when it’s taken too far, you then forget your own needs, get disappointed, and become resentful.
Challenge of the month: Practice receiving! Consider it a gift you give to others to accept the gift they offer you. Read that again 🙂
In time and with practice, you’ll learn to listen more for what you need, and then to ask for it. By boosting your Mental Fitness, you’ll develop your Empathize Power towards yourself for unconditional self-love.
Happy Holidays!

Looking back on this busy year 2022, I am very grateful to have created memories with you. Thank you for being part of my life, helping me become the person I am today and supporting my mission to help people live happier lives. I wouldn’t have done it without you.
I wish you all the very best for the new year and the many more to come. May you stay healthy, of mind and body, confident and happy. May you cherish each little precious moment in life. I’m looking forward to going on new adventures together in 2023!
You are unique, you are beautiful, you are enough.
Take good care, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
Together let’s unlock your Happiness potential!